Become a member of our club

About your membership.

  1. Membership fee is set at € 20 per year.
    If you wish to give more, anything above the 20 Euros is very much appreciated as a donation to our cause.
    The membership fee will be automatically collected from your preferred payment method once per year.
  2. As a member of our association we will keep you updated on our work and progress. And of course, provide you with ways to participate and help our cause. Don’t worry, we won’t spam your inbox. You can expect a maximum of one newsletter per month from us.
  3. All contributions will be used to further the cause of wheelchair-assisted paragliding for people with disabilities or mobility impairments. They might go into research, development of new equipment and techniques, lobbying for proper legislation, assisting other wheelchair-assisted flight projects worldwide, or training of pilots and instructors. We offer a sponsor program to provide free wheelchair-assisted tandem flights for those who cannot afford them.
  4. Once per year we will invite you to attend the annual general meeting of our association. Here, you can have a voice about the direction our association should go in the following year. Attendance is, of course, voluntary.
  5. Cancelling your membership
    You can notify us at any time of your desire to cancel your membership of wheels4flying. Simply write an eMail to, stating your full name. Your membership will then be discontinued as soon as your current year ends. No new payments will be collected from your account.
  6. As a member you allow the association to store your data for the purpose of membership registration and accounting. You also agree to being contacted by us via post or e-mail. Your data will never be shared outside of the association, or used for any commercial purposes.

Please send a eMail, if you want to get a membership.